Sunday, December 28, 2014

The myth of early maturation in females

The title of this blog probably seems kind of strange but this is something that's been on my mind recently. I'm currently reading two novels. Both have trafficing of very young girls as part of their plots. In both cases, and in general in real life, there's a belief that if a female looks like a woman, she is one.

When a female matures physically she grows breasts, usually gets a bit curvier and often carries a bit more body fat than she did as an immature girl. These things are noticible. However, breasts, which western society has sexualized beyond all reason are a focal point. Everyone matures at their own rate but once a girl grows breasts, somehow she becomes an adult. This is a myth perpetuated by men to justify having sex, or wanting to have sex with young females. How many times have we heard "she was only 16 but she was a woman in every sense of the word"? What they are really saying is, she had boobs and looked like a woman so it's ok for me to have sex with her and also, her mind is not part of that equation.

Obviously, maturation is an individual thing but I don't believe females as a group mature at a younger age than males. I don't believe that generalization can be made. What's it based on anyway? Just the physical? Certainly there are just as many males that mature physically at a young age. Just watch the Little League world series. There are always a few 12 or 13-year-old boys who are over six feet tall and I definitely remember one who looked like he could shave. Do people say he's a man? No. Girls who mature early physically are often pressured into sex or raped. Sometimes I believe these girls have sex because they get approval that way. The men, almost always older, tell them they are "so grown up". That sounds pretty good--especially to a mentally immature girl. The brain of a adolescent girl is no more mature than that of a adolescent boy.

So girls who get boobs at a young age often end up having sex before they really know what it is or what it means. They can get messed up mentally as a consequence. Even though growing boobs is out of our control, men see those young girls with boobs as "easy". Probably because they're so young. Anyway, it's just another way society (men) have perpetrated a myth about women/girls and sex. All to their own advantage.

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